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You will first need to create a Space NFT in order to get started. Check out For Creators for more instructions.

Importing the SDK

NPM Project - install it like so:

npm install '@zestymarket/threejs-sdk'

Once installed, import the ZestyBanner component:

import * as Zesty from '@zestymarket/threejs-sdk';

Warning: Make sure you are using the same three.js version as the Zesty package. You can check here:

If you are using an unsupported version, you can import a specific version of three.js from CDNs like Skypack:

HTML Script Tag - Paste this into the <head>:

<script src=""></script>

Bringing the Zesty Banner into your scene

In the your scene setup, copy and paste:

const zestyBanner = new ZestyBanner("0", "tall", "standard", 3);

Replace "0" with your Space ID.

You can also pass the argument true if you would like to opt into Zesty Analytics. Anyone will be able to view this on your Space's page, where it will display a history of visits to your space and clicks on your banner.

Adding a banner to the previous example would look like this:

const zestyBanner = new ZestyBanner("0", "tall", "standard", 3, null, true);

Customizing your banner display

These are the available attributes for your banner:


space required

String: The ID of your space.

network required

String: The network in which your space NFT was minted. Should be set to either polygon or rinkeby.

format required

String: Determines the aspect ratio of your ad space. Valid options are tall, wide, or square.

  • Tall - 3:4
  • Wide - 4:1
  • Square - 1:1

style required

String: Style of your placeholder image, which notifies viewers that the ad space is available. Valid options are standard, minimal, and transparent.

height required

Integer: Scales the banner to your liking.

renderer optional

A reference to the three.js WebGLRenderer if you are making a WebXR experience. Can otherwise be omitted unless you are changing beacon settings, in which case it should be set to null.

beacon optional

Boolean: Setting beacon to true allows you to view analytics on your space page.

Source Reference

* @constructor
* @param {string} space The space ID
* @param {string} network The network to connect to ('rinkeby' or 'polygon')
* @param {string} format The format of the default banner
* @param {Number} height Height of the banner
* @param {THREE.WebGLRenderer} renderer Optional field to pass in the WebGLRenderer in a WebXR project
constructor(space, creator, network, format, style, height, renderer = null, beacon = false) {